March 20, 2011

.A Day in History.

Today is G's 25th birthday!

It's the little things that make me appreciate the time he's been in my life.  Like that he still opens the car door for me after seven years.  That he grabs my hand to hold spontaneously.  That he goes and fills up my car with gas so I don't have to {just like my dad used to do}.  That he'll sit through any award show with me including my commentary throughout.  That he celebrates anniversaries and Valentine's Day.  That he likes to cook together. That he likes my opinion on his wardrobe.  That he understands the need for a little adventure.  That he'll download an entire album and surprise me if I mention in passing loving a song.  That he'll let me warm my ice cube toes on his always warm feet with no complaints.  That he gets ready in the dark just so I can get that extra hour of uninterrupted sleep.  That he is willing to haggle and deal because I won't.  That he understands (mostly) and doesn't complain (usually) about how long it takes me to get ready.  That he appreciates documenting memories as much as I do.  That he understands needing a random two-person dance party in the living room after a long day.  That he's tolerant when I want to share girly fashion ideas/opinions/thoughts with him.  That I can have philosophical discussions with him about religion and beliefs after church services.  Most of all that he puts up with my daily crazy and all he asks for in return is the occasional back rub and head massage. 

 Happy birthday G, I'm so grateful for your existence. 
Baby girl Tyler will be too.

* Pictures from our first anniversary trip to Savannah, a grill out last summer, and our honeymoon in Jamaica.

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