November 17, 2010

.Florida Fun.

The morning after Nik's going away party, G and I arose early to road trip with the pups to my mother's.  We were skeptical to bring all three destructors*, but alas they proved themselves trustworthy to get to join us for adventures in the future.  It's always good to spend time with mama and be gorged with my favorite Puertorican and Peruvian dishes.  G surely doesn't get it at home, as I've expressed my general attitude towards cooking.  Mom spoils me though, which is usually exactly what I need to refresh my soul.

After watching the Auburn/Georgia game (11-0!!!), Saturday night we drove to Jacksonville to go salsa dancing at Cuba Libre.  In theory, I should be a pretty natural dancer; I have Latin running through my veins.  G is a competent dancer as well, though we have more experience dancing alone at home to Justin Timberlake than the musical stylings of Meringue and Regatone.  So G and I worked our nerves to get up and try after watching others for awhile and digesting the basics. 

Let's just say, we're going to have to go home and devote some time to practice before the next rematch.

* I came home Friday afternoon to this scene.  RIP recently delivered personalized Christmas stockings.

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