
October 16, 2012

.And just like that.

...and just like that, the world keeps spinning madly on.

October 9, 2012

.I Like Learning.

Hope you all are having a wonderful week.

I'll be busy with dissertation revisions on top of everything else for the next few weeks (I'm proposing to my committee on October 30th- ahhh!!!), so it may be a bit quiet, but I'll be around here and there!

Source: via Jessica on Pinterest

October 3, 2012

.I love this about you.

Your father swears that you like being outside so much, you're going to have some kind of career with animals or research.  I hope to introduce you to many places, so you can grow in your interests and experiences.  You're stubborn enough that I have no doubt that whatever you aspire to, you will accomplish earnestly.

I love this about you.
Stay thoughtful.

Thoughtfulness goes a great distance.

Love you always,
your mama

October 1, 2012

.We Were Here.

We last went to Savannah en route to our baby moon in Charleston, and once before to celebrate our one year anniversary.  This time was for work purposes, but we tried fit in what we could on my down time.  

Since it was not our first trip to the old city, we were able to focus on our favorite parts.  We stayed in a beautiful carriage house on the property of the historic mansion of a local doctor (thanks again Airbnb!).  We ate at some local and highly recommended favorites like Huey's on River Street (twice) and The Crab Shack on Tybee Island, and sat under the oak trees and around the fountains of every park we could to let Dylan explore.

Traveling with baby is getting to be challenging now that she's 15 months old.  Old enough to be antsy, yet too young to be entertained in a restricted place.  There were meltdowns, and while Garrett is amazing in these situations (I immediately start to panic and find an exit), I think we'll give Dylan a bit of a break as far as long trips go.

P.S. Title of this post from one of my favorite albums.